[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote.. apparently on 19-Feb-2004/16:27:30

>There is one test package up on the Library. If you've got the time, could 
>you please download it, see if it runs, and let me know what goes wrong.

I tried changing the directory and realised I couldn't select a directory, so 
cancelled, and "none" appeared.  I tried typing in a directory but that didn't work 
and I couldn't see a way to activate the download.  Quit and tried again accepting the 
defaults, and this time it "worked".

>As a tiny encouragement to you to do this, the demo package is a "guess the 
>REBOL developer" competition....

Okay, that fedex carton there is clearly a red herring since Joel Neely is not one of 
the developers!

Has the download process introduced lots of jpg artifacting??  :)

Graham Chiu
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