Hi Gregg you are right !!
I try many hacks to the code to not have the problem but
without succes. How have you think about hide the do-events line ?
show-men.r is a file of the %sys.r library %sys/ folder.
All the functions, object, block ... in these files are defined like
debug-name: get in context
[ value-name: func
   [ ...
   ] ; end of func
] 'value-name
The encapsulation in a context (get in context) is good when the value
is complex and use other functions put in this context.
File writen like that are very easy to manage to create the library file
sys.r with sys.r/make-library %sys or loading the file in raw mode just
the context for example to create my styles library.
sys.r is for me a little "famous exec library" and i dream of a RebolOS
for Rebol not only a desktop but a real cool api for all to create program
The main functions of the system i use are:
import: get in context
[   opencnt: copy []
    import: func
    [   {import HELP.
        /header Rheader
        /name Rname
        /from Rfrom
        /in Rin
            ref? file-name module refinements ref spec-block n args value
            lib-name cnt
    [   file-name: File
        if call
        [   ref?: any [find File "/"  tail File]
            file-name: copy/part File ref?
            call: to-lit-path next ref?
        lib-name: to-word to-string second split-path File
        if free
        [   error? try
            [   opencnt: head change cnt: next find opencnt lib-name (first cnt) - 1
                if equal? 0 opencnt/:lib-name
                [   remove remove find opencnt lib-name
                    unset sw.r/in sw.r lib-name
        if lib
        [   error? try
            [   opencnt: head change cnt: next find opencnt lib-name (first cnt) + 1
                return get sw.r/in sw.r/:lib-name 'self
            file-name: sys.r/assign/find 'libs second split-path file-name
            Rfrom: to-file ""
        Rfrom: any [Rfrom  clean-path %./]
        module: sys.r/module/from file-name Rfrom
        if header [append clear head Rheader module/header]
        if name [append clear head Rname to-string first module/content]
        if all [lib  equal? last module/content 'self]
        [   do/next module/content
            append opencnt reduce [lib-name 0]
            opencnt: head change cnt: next find opencnt lib-name (first cnt) + 1
            return get sw.r/in sw.r/:lib-name 'self
        if in [module/content: bind module/content sw.r/in Rin 'self]
        value: do next module/content
        switch/default true reduce 
        [   raw [module/content]
            only [fifth module/content]
            all [call  function? :value]
            [   remove refinements: parse file "/"
                spec-block: first :value
                args: 0
                forall spec-block
                [   either word? spec-block/1 [args: args + 1] [break]]
                args: args + length? refinements
                foreach ref refinements
                [   if not word? select spec-block to-refinement ref
                    [   args: args - 1]
                spec-block: copy []
                for n 1 args 1 [append spec-block to-word join "arg" n]
                append spec-block compose [/local (to-word first module/content)]
                call: head insert :call to-word first module/content
                append module/content compose [(call)]
                append module/content copy/part spec-block args
                first reduce load mold/only reduce ['func spec-block module/content]
            [   use compose [(to-word first module/content)] compose
                [   (module/content)
                    system/words/help (to-word first module/content)
        [   :value]
] 'import
;d: import %../time/date.r
;probe d
;t: import/lib %time.r
;probe t/date
probe do import/from/call %date.r %../time/
probe do import/from/call %date.r/with %../time/ [day]
module: get in context
[   module: func
    [   {
        /from Rfrom
    [   Rfrom: any [Rfrom  clean-path %./]
        module: sys.r/script/from File Rfrom
        module: make module [code: copy at module/content 7]
        module/content: head clear at module/content 7 
        if not equal? last module/content 'self 
        [   module/content: head
            change module/content to-set-word last module/content
        switch/default true reduce
        [   header [module/header]
            content [module/content]
            code [module/code]
            context [second fifth module/content]
        [   module]
] 'module
script: get in context
[   script: func
    [   {
        /from Rfrom
            file-name script
    [   Rfrom: any [Rfrom  clean-path %./]
        file-name: Rfrom/:File
        if error? try [script: read file-name]
        [   print
            [   newline
                "Erreur de chargement de votre application :" newline
                "  - le fichier" File "est manquant." newline
                "Merci de réinstaller votre programme." newline
            ask "Appuyer sur Entrée pour quitter."
        script: load/all script? script
        while [block? first script] [script: first script]
        script: context
        [   header: second script
            content: copy at script 3
        if binary? first script/content
        [   script/content: load sw.r/decompress first script/content]
        switch/default true reduce
        [   header [script/header]
            content [script/content]
            decompress [save/header File script/content script/header]
            [   save/header File
                sw.r/compress mold/only script/content script/header
        [   script]
] 'script
make-library: get in context
[   make-library: func
    [   {
        /name Rname
            file lib-file
    [   if dir? dir
        [   lib-file: second split-path file.r/undirize dir
            lib-file: join lib-file ".r"
            Rname: any [Rname  to-string lib-file]
            write lib-file rejoin
            [   "REBOL []" newline]
            write/append lib-file rejoin
            [   newline Rname
                either styles [": stylize"] [": get in context"]
                newline "["
            foreach file read dirize dir
            [   print [file]
                write/append lib-file rejoin
                [   newline mold/only either styles
                    [   sys.r/module/context/from file dirize dir]
                    [   sys.r/module/content/from file dirize dir]
            write/append lib-file rejoin
            [   newline newline either styles ["]"] ["] 'self"]
                newline newline
            print "compress"
            sys.r/script/compress lib-file
] 'make-library
make-library/styles %styles
For an other menu see below the french "arctiste" example :
menu.s: stylize [
  menu: text
  feel [over: func [f a e /local l_ s_][
    f/effect: pick reduce [append cp f/sav-effect f/focus-effect f/sav-effect] a show f
    if all [function? get/any in f 'action find second get in f 'action f/Style ] [
 either a [
   s_: f/parent-face/menustyle
   l_: layout/parent head insert cp second get in f 'action
     [styles s_ origin 1x1 space 0x0 ] s_/menu
   l_/offset: ((win-offset? f) + to-pair reduce 
     either 2 * f/size/x > f/parent-face/size/x 
       reduce [[f/size/x 0]][[0 f/size/y]])
   l_/style: f/Style l_/rate: 4 l_/user-data: f/parent-face
   l_/menustyle: s_ f/parent-face/evt: l_
   append get in find-window f 'pane l_
   l_/feel/engage: get in f/feel 'engage
 ][f/parent-face/evt: none]
 show find-window f
    engage: func [f a e /local z_][ 
 all [a = 'down function? z_: get/any in f 'action not find z_: second :z_ f/Style
      any [all [word? z_: first z_ logic? get/any z_ set z_ not get z_] true] 
      any [f/action f a true] 
      in f/parent-face 'parent f/parent-face/parent = 'panel
      remove find get in find-window f 'pane f/parent-face show find-window f
      f/parent-face/user-data: f/parent-face/parent-face f/parent-face/rate: 
f/parent-face/feel: none
 all [a = 'time not same? f/user-data/evt f  same? last get in find-window f 'pane f
   not ((inside? e/3 win-offset? f ) and (inside? ((win-offset? f) + f/size) e/3 ))
  remove find get in find-window f 'pane f show find-window f f/user-data: 
f/parent-face f/rate: f/feel: none
  with [  focus-effect: [multiply 80] sav-effect: evt: menustyle: none check: 'radio 
size: 80x20
    item: [across origin 1x1 space 1x1
 image (to-pair either size [reduce [size/y size/y]][20x20]) (image) effect 'fit
 text as-is (text) (size) with [font: (font)]
 box (to-pair either size [reduce [size/y size/y]][20x20]) effect [arrow rotate 90]
    init: append cp init [use [v_ f_][
 feel: styles/menu/feel sav-effect: to-block effect
 if size = 0x0 [size: none]
 either not all [empty? text none? image][
   pane: layout replace/all compose/deep item none []
   pane/color: color 
   if any [not :action not find second :action Style] [
  remove back tail pane/pane
  all [:action word? v_: first second :action  logic? get/any v_ 
       f_: make-face check f_/offset: pane/size - 20x20 
       set-face f_ get v_ append pane/pane f_  
   image: to-image pane size: image/size pane: none
   data: cp second :action action: alt-action: none
   menustyle: reduce [style make self []]
   pane: layout head insert data [styles menustyle origin 1x1 space 0x1 ]
   size: pane/size
   pane: pane/pane foreach data pane [data/parent-face: self]
   image: color: none
 data: text: none
{ ****************************
comment ça marche ?
Description d'un menu et ses sous-menus par imbrication de blocs.
le menu racine est en fait la barre de menu.
>> menu [
 menu "item 1" [
  menu "item 1.1" []
  menu "item 1.2" []
 menu "item 2" []
Un bloc du menu autorise tous les mots du dialecte vid.
>> menu [ text bouton menu etc...]
On peut donc faire des menus hyper chiadés (voir l'exemple en bas de page)
Un sous-menu hérite des propriétés et effets du menu parent, cela évite d'avoir à 
redéfinir l'aspect des items de menu:
>> menu red font-size 16 [ menu "item1" menu "item2"] ; les items du sous-menu seront 
>> en rouge avec une taille de police 16 
L'aspect d'un item peut associer une image + un texte + une boite à cocher :
>> menu info.gif  ;image seule
>> menu info.gif "item" ;image + texte
>> menu "text" [bool1] ;texte + boite à cocher, bool doit être une variable de type 
>> logic!
Le style de la boite à cocher peut être modifié, par défaut c'est un 'radio
menu "text+coche" [bool1] witch [check: 'led]    ;
L'effet appliqué quand un item a le focus est modifiable:
>> menu [...] with [focus-effect: [invert emboss]]
Lorsque on active (click ou focus) un item de menu, son comportement dépend du contenu 
du bloc associé.
* si il contient au moins un fois le mot 'menu (focus) -> appel d'un sous-menu
>> menu "item" [ ... menu ... ]  
* si il contient un bloc de code (click) -> exécution du code et fermeture des menus
>> menu "item" [ print "code"]
* si il contient un bloc de code commençant par une variable de type logic! 
(click) -> inversion de la variable + exécution du code + fermeture des menus
>> menu "item" [ bool print bool] ; bool change de valeur à chaque fois qu'on clique 
>> sur l'item


; EXEMPLE d'un sous-menu appelé dans 2 barres de menu avec des effets différents.

sub-menu: [  
  backdrop papaya effect [gradcol 1x0]
  vtext 124 "sous-menu" bold center effect [gradient 1x0 ]
  menu "essai" [bool1] menu "essai2" [bool3] menu "essai3..." [bool print "coucou"]
  menu info.gif "essai4" [
   backdrop papaya effect [gradcol 1x0] 
   menu "toto" menu "titi.." [print "titi"]
view layout [
    styles menu.s origin 0x0 
    size 400x300 do [bool: bool1: bool2: bool3: true]
    at 0X40 menu 80x30 black white bold italic [
 backdrop black gray edge [size: 1x1] effect [gradient 1x0 ]
 vh1 "barre menu" vh1 "verticale"
 menu help.gif "sous-menu" sub-menu
 menu "go..."  info.gif [print "go"]
 image logo.gif white
    ] effect [gradcol 0x1]
    at 0x0 menu white bold [across
 backdrop logo.gif effect [greyscale emboss emboss tile]
 vtext bold "barre horizontale" italic
 menu 0x0 white info.gif "Menu1" sub-menu 
 menu 0x0 yellow "Menu2" 
 menu 0x0 help.gif [print "help"] 
    ] font-size 16 edge [size: 1x1] effect [key black] with [check: 'led focus-effect: 
[invert emboss]]
Hey Carl we "keep it simple" for you so please
"keep always Rebol cool" for us !!
Have fun to all of us.
French anonyme -yos.

Gregg Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi yos,

Just remove the do-events call from your show-menu code and you should
be fine I think.

What is the reason you do this to set show-menu:

show-menu: get in context
[ show-menu: func
[ ...


-- Gregg 

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