I find this/last week to be a milestone in the rebol world.

we can now start an async xml-rpc server by browsing a remote web page.

Our world is getting soooo coool.

we now even have a tutorial to understand the async protocol... I am thinking of using 
it for my liquid net module.

"You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but in the end, being 
part of the problem is much more fun."

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maarten Koopmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 1:36 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: The REBOL async:// tutorial - take 1
> First, realize that we didn't knock this off in two 
> afternoons. So it is 
> OK to hit your head against the wall.
> >> handler: func [port [port!] state [word! error!] /local tmp cmd] [
> >>     if error? :state [print mold disarm state return true]
> >>     switch state [
> >>         connect [
> >>             ; do HTTP request
> >>             insert port {GET /fg/anen.jpg HTTP/1.0^M^JHost: 
> >>www.3dwallpaper.com^M^J^M^J}
> >> 
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >That one - raw tcp stream, right? I wonder if some kind of 
> dialect (set 
> >of functions) could be produced to handle that ugly MJMJMJ and GET 
> >commands etc., as e.g. read/custom allows. Just a 
> theoretical question, 
> >if it even would be worth it, nothing more
> >
> >  
> >
> You could use the builtin crlf as a replacement.
> >>             false
> >>         ]
> >>         read    [false]
> >>         write   [false]
> >>         close   [
> >>             ; get data
> >>             data: copy port
> >> 
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >OK, so that one does not block right? And it is so just 
> because we are 
> >inside handler function, which is being called once some 
> event happens 
> >on port, so theoretically some data should be awaiting us. I 
> just wonder 
> >it comes in 'close switch part. We get here once other side closed 
> >connection? So if I understand it correctly, we read it in 
> parts, but 
> >'read part does nothing, rebol is internally buffering data 
> (how large 
> >data is rebol able to buffer easily that way?) and once other side 
> >closes connection, we can read it by copy (which will not 
> block, even if 
> >no-wait was not used), and whole data is being read out of the port 
> >buffer at once? Well, I hope I am still on track :-)
> >  
> >
> That copy doesn't block, because it gets diverted to the copy in the 
> async:// handler IIRC. Also, async:// does all low-level input and 
> output buffering.
> And async opening + async dns://
> >>Now for a simple server:
> >>
> >>First we add a listening server port to the 
> system/ports/wait-list, like:
> >> 
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >Why? Is that needed? Am I right thinking it is because of View? Once 
> >View starts, it adds event-port into wait-list and if we 
> want to process 
> >all various events properly, we have to go via wait-list?
> >
> >  
> >
> It can be done many ways indeed. Pick your own example.
> >> either error? try [listen: open/no-wait tcp://:8000] [
> >>     port: open async://localhost:8000
> >>     port/awake: do handler
> >> 
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >Above code somehow escapes my understanding :-) So if we are 
> not able to 
> >open listen port (because e.g. we are already listening), we open 
> >connection on localhost to that port? What is that good for?
> >
> >  
> >
> Gabriele? I missed it, it looks like setting up a tunnel to me.
> >> ] [
> >>     listen/awake: func [l /local p] [
> >>         print "Got connection."
> >>         p: first listen
> >>         remove find system/ports/wait-list listen
> >>         port: make port! [scheme: 'async sub-port: p]
> >> 
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >that is something I never understood. That is why I was not able to 
> >further more deeply adapt Sterling's proxy.r script. It 
> contained way 
> >too much port subport and proxy (as a port :-) stuff for my brain to 
> >swallow :-) 'p is assigned first connected client. It does 
> not contain 
> >any sub-port, yet it can communicate. IIRC someone said, 
> that sub-port 
> >contains real communication port. But I don't understand the 
> difference, 
> >even without sub-port, I am able to send data here and there 
> and I can 
> >see it buffered in port/state. What is sub-port then?
> >
> >  
> >
> The real connecttion :-)  Anyway... this is the way to go. If 
> you take a 
> look at the renewed xml-rpc you will find an add-server function that 
> abstract this away nicely.
> >>        open port
> >>         port/awake: do handler
> >>         false
> >>     ]
> >>     insert tail system/ports/wait-list listen
> >>     port: none
> >> ]
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >so overall - it is clever - once first event happens on 
> listening port, 
> >we remove it from wait-list, reassign handler and insert it 
> back into 
> >wait-list. That sounds like nice constructor/init method in OOP :-)
> >
> >  
> >
> Go clean your mouth!
> >>As you can see, its awake function convert the accepted 
> port to an async
> >>one and sets the handler. So what is the handler then?
> >>
> >> handler:  [ use [ buffer ][
> >>     
> >>     buffer: copy []
> >>     
> >>     func [port [port!] state [word! error!] /local tmp cmd] [
> >>     if error? :state [print mold disarm state return true]
> >>     switch state [
> >>         connect [print "Connected." false]
> >>         read    [
> >>             append buffer copy port
> >>             while [tmp: find buffer newline] [
> >>                 cmd: copy/part buffer tmp
> >>                 remove/part buffer next tmp
> >>                 do-cmd cmd
> >>             ]
> >>             false
> >>         ]
> >>         write   [false]
> >>         close   [print "Peer closed connection." close port true]
> >>     ]
> >>   ]
> >>   ]
> >> ]
> >>
> >>The first thing to notice is the fact that we use 'use to 
> create a context
> >>that returns a function! value. This function (and only 
> this particluar
> >>value) has access to its buffer. By doing the handler block 
> in the server
> >>part above, every accepted port gets a copy of theis 
> function value with
> >>its own "static" buffer space. A very simple but effective trick.
> >> 
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >cool!
> >  
> >
> I know! That's why I thought I'd share it with you all.
> >Thanks for your tutorial, very educative!
> >
> >  
> >
> Put it to work.  async:// is so clever. Carl explained it 
> Eastern 2003 
> in a private chat, then I started experimenting and Gabriele 
> turned that 
> into async://
> It took some more experimenting, and finally we have a tutorial.
> --Maarten
> -- 
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