* Brondo, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040316 07:36]:
> Where are things like open/lines/direct documented?  If I execute 'help
> open' I can see 'open/lines' and 'open/direct' but no the
> 'open/lines/direct'.  How is a newcomer to this language supposed to 'know'
> these things?
> Not to sound like a whiner but I *really* want to use this language I'm just
> having trouble convincing myself to use it for any projects due to the lack
> of thorough docs and the 'black box' nature of it......
> Instead I'm having to look into something like Ruby (or Python) for my
> clients project....
  I use python and rebol about equally. For instance, I have a client
  who wants a language that can be interlinked with apache, so there
  is no 'mod rebol' but there is a 'mod python', so I use python...
  but holy smokes! Rebol is **so** much more streamlined than python.
  Rebol's help feature is very helpful and in my opinion, better
  conceived than pythons. At least when you use help in rebol for
  a non-existing word, you get alternative choices, as opposed to
  python's choice to throw and exception.

  Having said that rebol 'help is better conceived, it still has
  a way to go in implementation.

  Give rebol a try. The differences between rebol and python is
  the difference between a sportscar and a long-haul truck.
  Both have their use.


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