> >> to-string [9/5 * 100 + 32]                    ; Here is 
> the ill-formed version of the same expression
> ** Syntax Error: Invalid date -- 9/5
> ** Near: (line 1) to-string [9/5 * 100 + 32]
> >>
> Finally my question is : Can REBOL be told to not evaluate 
> each element of the block contents I submit him when calling 
> my function
> but simply  replaces the end delimiters [ ] for the 
> appropriately ones " " ?

the only way this would work is if you put "" around the 9/5

>> to-string ["9/5" * 100 + 32]

its not really evaluating the block, but its trying to create the data in memory and 
9/5 is seen to be a date... (but badly formed) 

just doing:

>> [9/5]

will give the same error.

  since this is a syntax error, then 9/5 is the same kind of error as if you where 
trying to create a string with no end bracket, or any other value...  

>> ["]

will always fail no matter how deep you nest it in blocks

the real thing is ... do you really need to put things in the block form... in this 
case, I'm pretty sure the answer is no. 



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