On 06-May-04, Kai Peters wrote:

> Hi all,

> (REBOL on FreeBSD and Linux)

> I can send mail to the two obscured email addresses in the script
> below from REBOL command w/o any problems. The send/header below
> however always fails. Anything obvious this newbie might be doing
> wrong? How can I test what exactly the problem is if not obvious to
> you gurus?

> Thanks as always for all help!!

> Kai

Try  taking the From email out of the block.  ie...


At a guess, I think that'll be your problem.

> REBOL []
>    response: "test"
>    recipient1:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    recipient2:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>    header: make system/standard/email
>    [
>        To:           [ recipient1 ]
>        From:         [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
>        Subject:      "subject"
>        Organization: "organization"
>    ]

>    either error? try [ send/header reduce[ recipient1 recipient2 ] 
> response header]
>    [
>        web-response: { NOT ok! }
>        write/append %errorlog.txt response
>    ]
>    [
>        web-response: { ok }
>    ]
>    print web-response

Carl Read

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