Hi Stuart,

M> I have a series of times which represents session durations of users.
M> They are in the format dd:hh:mm
M> What I want to figure out is how long the average session takes.

This is a good example of something that could be done many different
ways in REBOL (like a lot of things :). Here's what came into my head.

make-dhm-time: func [time /local ms] [
    ms: time // 24:00
    to time! reduce [to integer! time / 24:00   ms/hour   ms/minute]

avg-dhm-times: func [block /local result] [
    result: 0:0:0
    foreach t block [
        result: add result to time! reduce [
            t/hour * 24 + t/minute
            to integer! t/second
    make-dhm-time result / length? block

-- Gregg                         

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