I have created a grammar for processing basic rules for a pbem I am
writing.  I have also written an object for then processing the resulting
parse tree.  What is happening is this: If I simply parse the input and
dump the tree, everything parses fine.  The second I even "use" my
processing object module (which happens to be called "Process") the parse
fails.  I did a TRACE and what seems to happen is the parser doesn't
ignore the newlines in the 2nd instance.  I am totally confused.  Below is
the snippet of my code in question.  I can include copies of the grammar
andthe TRACE if that would be helpful.  Any ideas?  Thanks so much for
your help.

my $parser = new Parse::RecDescent ($grammar);
my $parsetree = $parser->orderset($bodytxt);

if (! defined $parsetree)
        {die "Grammar parse failed!\n";}
        use YAML;
        print &Dump($parsetree), "\n";

        #if I uncomment the below code, the parse fails
        #use Process;
        #my $process = Process::new();
        #print $process->{results}, "\n";

Aaron Dalton

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