1 lb. lean ground beef
1 (4 oz.) can sliced mushrooms
3 tbsp. finely chopped onion
3 tbsp. finely chopped chives
1 tsp. garlic salt
Dash black pepper
1 egg
2 tbsp. butter
Hamburger buns, for serving
Lettuce, tomatoes, pepper rings for garnish

In a microwave dish, combine mushrooms, onions, chives, black 
pepper and garlic salt. Microwave at MEDIUM power for 3 minutes. 
Let stand 3 minutes for flavors to blend. Reserve some mushrooms 
for garnish.Combine beef, mushroom mixture and egg. Shape mixture 
into 4 even patties. Place onto micro-safe rack or pan. Microwave 
at HIGH power for about 2 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes. Turn 
patties over. Microwave on other side for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes or 
until done to your liking. Serve on hot buns. Garnish with 
reserved mushrooms, tomato slices, pepper rings or other 
condiments of your choice.

Makes 4 servings.

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