Pecan Logs with Nougat Center 
  1 1/2 cups sugar 
  1 1/4 cups light corn syrup 
  1/4 cup water 
  2 large egg whites 
  NOTE: This recipe requires a heavy free-standing mixer. Most hand
mixers will burn out when thickening the egg white and hot syrup mixture
to the consistency of marshmallow creme. 
  Combine sugar, syrup, and water in heavy 3-quart saucepan; mix well.
Cook over medium-high heat to boiling, stirring constantly to dissolve
sugar. This should take 5 to 7 minutes. Carefully clip a candy
thermometer to side of pan. 
  Cook over medium heat, without stirring, to soft-ball stage (238
degrees F). Mixture should boil at a moderate, steady rate over the
entire surface. (Watch closely; mixture reaches soft-ball stage in 5 to
6 minutes.) Remove from heat; remove thermometer from saucepan. 
  Immediately beat egg whites in a large mixer bowl with sturdy,
freestanding electric mixer (do NOT use a hand mixer) on medium speed
until soft peaks form (tips curl). Gradually pour hot syrup in thin
stream over whites, beating on medium speed. 
  Continue beating after all syrup is added until mixture reaches
consistency of marshmallow creme, 5 to 7 minutes. Shape into 
  4-1/2in x 1-1/4 inch logs.  (cover with foil or waxed paper and chill
overnight in refrigerator; mixture will keep several days.) 
  Pecan Logs 
  6 of the nougat logs you prepared above 
  1 bag (14 ounces) caramels 
  3 Tbl water 
  1 1/2 cups roasted chopped pecans (or peanuts or whatever) 
  Melt the caramels with the 3 Tbls of water until smooth.  Dip logs
into caramel; roll in pecans.  Chill for 2 hours.  Cut into 1/3 in
slices if desired. 
  Makes about 6-1/2 dozen if cut into 1/3 inch slices 

For what is it to die, but to stand in the sun and melt into the wind? 
Kahlil Gibran

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