Tips of the week

 * Biscuits will be crisp on the outside and flaky in the center if
   you roll the dough thin and fold it over once before cutting out
   biscuits. They'll also split open easily when you're ready to
   butter them.

 * To split a cake into layers, loop a length of waxed dental floss
   around the outside of the cake at the point you want the cut, then
   cross the ends and pull gently but firmly. The floss will cut right
   through the cake.

 * Most recipes calling for dried beans recommend soaking them
   overnight; lots of us don't have the time or inclination to think
   that far ahead. To speed up the process, place washed beans in a
   large covered bowl with water (they will absorb lots) and microwave
   until it comes to a full boil. Let sit in the micro for about 1
   hour and you have pre-soaked beans; then cook as desired. This
   works on almost all beans; they are ready to be cooked in your
   recipe, will be soft and cooked in about one hour.

~To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.

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