
I've just created a new branch 'xilinx-12.2' as a first step towards  
making ReconOS compatible with the new Xilinx 12.2 tools.

Using 12.2 involves a few changes in the OSIF wrapper pcore 'xps_osif'  
to account for updated VHDL libraries provided by Xilinx, as well as a  
minor change in the API used by eCos to talk to the interrupt  
controller. Since 12.2 doesn't support the Virtex-II Pro anymore, I've  
only added a reference design and support for Virtex-4, more  
specifically for the ML403 board.

As I don't have a ML403 board to test the changes, I was only able to  
verify the hw_* and sw_* automated tests. Therefore I would ask  
somebody with a ML403 (i.e., Andreas or Markus) to run the complete  
automated test suite from the 'xilinx-12.2' branch.

As a reminder: you can pull the new branch using "git pull origin  
xilinx-12.2" and switch to it using "git checkout xilinx-12.2". Also  
don't forget to run the tests with the '--ml403' switch.

Once the changes work, this brings us to another problem. Because the  
changes to 'xps_osif' only work with the 12.2 tools, which do not  
support Virtex-II Pro (and thus the XUP board), we can't just merge  
the changes into master. I'd suggest to bump the version of 'xps_osif'  
to something like v2_02_a; but doesn't play well with most of the  
tools, which expect *all* cores to be of the same version  
($RECONOS_VER = 'v2_01_a') -- which probably is a bad design choice to  
begin with. Thus, we should probably think about changing the  
versioning policy in general[1], so that we can mix and match cores  
with different versions. This will also involve non-trivial changes in  
the tool chain, and should be done with care.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Best regards
- Enno

[1] See also  

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