Dear Dr Enno,

Thanks for your reply
I have fixed this bug, It just works on Python 2.5.1 ( not works on Python

Best regards


On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Enno Lübbers <> wrote:

> Dear Tuan,
> the make script fails while running platgen; could you send me (or post to
> the list) the relevant section of the file "make.log"? It should be in the
> same directory you started make in.
> Best
> - Enno
> Am 15.01.2013 um 17:05 schrieb Tuan Nguyen Trong <
> >:
> Dear Dr. Enno Lübbers
> Please excuse the long time delayed reply.
> I am begin to spend the time for researching the ReconOS.
> Following the  in the pr_msg_demo folder.
> At the phase of build the hardware thread netlists
>     cd $RECONOS/demos/pr_msg_demo/hw/hwthreads
>     make
> it occurs the errors that detailed at below "
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Tuan@localhost hwthreads]$ make
> NUM_DYNAMIC_OSIFS=1 make -C thread_4
> make[1]: Entering directory
> `/home/Tuan/Downloads/luebbers-reconos-5914b38/demos/pr_msg_demo/hw/hwthreads/thread_4'
> rm -f platgen.log platgen.opt system.mhs
> rm -rf hdl implementation synthesis pcores
> rm -rf hw_task_v1_*_b
> rm -f hw_task_*.ngc
> /home/Tuan/Downloads/luebbers-reconos-5914b38/tools/python/
> -g "C_THREAD_NUM => 4" thread 1 thread.vhd  >> make.log
> mkdir pcores
> cd pcores && ln -s ../hw_task_v1_01_b .
> cd pcores && for z in reconos_v2_01_a burst_ram_v2_01_a; do \
>     ln -s /home/Tuan/Downloads/luebbers-reconos-5914b38/core/pcores/$z . ;\
> done
> /home/Tuan/Downloads/luebbers-reconos-5914b38/tools/python/  1 1
> > system.mhs
> platgen -lp $(pwd) -p virtex6 system.mhs >> make.log
> make[1]: *** [hwthread] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/home/Tuan/Downloads/luebbers-reconos-5914b38/demos/pr_msg_demo/hw/hwthreads/thread_4'
> make: *** [thread_4/implementation/hw_task_0_wrapper.ngc] Error 2
> [Tuan@localhost hwthreads]$
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So would you like any suggesstion / solutions for support to me
> Thanks so much
> Tuan Trong
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