Hi Chris,
This is a great account and I thank you for it.  The problem you mention - depoliticisation - is an ongoing one that faces mass movements of any sort I reckon.  To get the broad appeal you seem to have to, on one level, remove any of the sharp edges that might "scare the horses" (just to mix a few metaphors!) when it is, after all, the sharp edges that you most want people to notice.  What I suspect happens with the organisers of these things is that they underestimate the level of willingness amongst participants to address the "tough questions", and opportunities go begging.  The trick is to recognise such things as the walks for what they are, a genuine concern to do something, and then find other ways to engage participants.  I enjoyed what you wrote partly because you didn't try and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory - the walk was a good thing in itself, but another step, so to speak, needs to be taken.
Thanks again,
PS: Has anyone added up how many people have walked in the various walks this year?  About 1 million?
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Sitka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, December 04, 2000 5:05 AM
Subject: [recoznet2] Melbourne walk

I want to offer another perspective on the Melbourne Walk. Namely the deliberate depoliticisation of it. Sure it was fantastic that so many people showed up - especially given that it was very lightly promoted. Given the lack of notice Melbourne people had and the dearth of pre-publicity it is even more remarkable that so many people put their feet on the ground during a traditionally over busy time of year. With good pre-publicity there surely would have been half a million!
    But what bothers me most was the lack of politics at the Walk and the 'entertainment' provided after. I kept thinking why isn't there more spark here. I had heard that there would be political speeches by Aboriginal people but looked in vain for the tent. So I asked some well known Aboriginal speakers where this was taking place. It wasn't. What I found out was that the organisers had a strict policy of NO POLITICS........................<snip>

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