Internet bill worries MPs

 By Annabel Hepworth

At least two Coalition members will voice
concerns about the Federal Government's
legislation to expurgate sexually explicit and
violent internet material when it starts its
passage through the House of Representatives
next Monday.

Central Coast MP Mr Jim Lloyd and the
Member for Parramatta, Mr Ross Cameron,
will both voice disquiet on the floor of the
Lower House when the controversial
Broadcasting Services Amendment (Online
Services) Bill is debated next week.

The hard-line bill was first introduced in the
Senate and made its rocky passage through
with the support of independent Senators Brian
Harradine and Mal Colston.

It introduces a complaints-based regime that
gives the Australian Broadcasting Authority the
power to issue take-down notices against
offensive websites.

Yesterday Mr Lloyd said he was worried the
regime would jeapordise Australia's position in
international trade.

"[Companies] may decide that if Australia is to
get restrictions or the service is slower, even if
there's no real difference, they may decide to
host [their web] pages elsewhere in the world,"
he said.

He is also concerned that the costs of
implementing the legislation will prove onerous
for small internet service providers, particularly
in remote and rural areas.

"I am pushing for some sort of defined review
path ... so if there are big problems for ISPs,
there's some form or way of amending the
legislation," he said.

Mr Cameron will express concerns that the bill
will not effectively block X-rated internet
content or material refused classification.

However, neither Mr Lloyd nor Mr Cameron
plan on voting against the bill next week and
both support its general thrust. It is understood
that at least one other Coalition MP expressed
concern about the new regime.


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