Stolen Generations - ethnic

BARRIE CASSIDY: Here in Australia, some historians
will argue that the forced removal of Aboriginal children
was, in a sense, our own form of ethnic cleansing.

And the consequences of that policy, practised for most
of this century in the name of assimilation, is still
touching the lives of thousands of Aborigines.

Even to this day, reunions are occurring.

And this is the story of one of them -- a mother and her
daughter brought together just this week in the Red
Centre after 55 years.

55 years during which the authorities frustrated the
daughter's every effort to find her true heritage and

Murray McLaughlin reports from Alice Springs.

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: Shirley Stirling now knows
she was born here at the old Telegraph Station in Alice
Springs, apparently on February 4, 1937.

Her mother was Aboriginal, her father a white European

The Telegraph Station is now a museum, but back in the
1930s, it was converted to a government hostel for
so-called half-castes.

This was home for Shirley, her older brother James and
mother Hilda.

SHIRLEY STIRLING-CURNOW: They were free with
their families and happy and -- but that was all

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: Shirley Stirling reckons she
was just two years old when she was taken away on the
Ghan train from Alice Springs, bound for an upbringing
at the Anglican Church institutions in Melbourne.

train and I did ask my doctor, you know, your memory
bank starts when you're three.

Can it start earlier than that?

He said, "Yes, it can if it's traumatic enough."

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: The trauma endured for 60
years, but Shirley Stirling never gave up her journey of


MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: It's ended at Willoura, a
small Aboriginal community 260km north of Alice

know, always, every day really, "Where is my mother?"

Probably once a week I asked where my father was, too.

But then I was told I was an orphan and that I had
nobody and no brothers and sisters and no grandma and
grandpa and no-one.

And just to get on with it.

And they always reminded me I was Aboriginal.

As much to say, "Well, you know, well, you're
Aboriginal anyway, so what the heck.

Why should we help you?"

HILDA STIRLING: Yeah I've been trying right, asking,

I don't know, just gone.

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: What did they tell you w hen
you asked?

she's gone somewhere.

That's all.

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: And all the time you've been
searching, all the time?

HILDA STIRLING: "Just forget about it now," they told

"You just forget about it."

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: There could be no forgetting
for mother or daughter.

For years, Shirley Stirling hounded government
agencies and archives.

There'd be many journeys to Alice Springs, one of them
ending in the town cemetery.

SHIRLEY STIRLING-CURNOW: I went to the Registrar
of Births, Deaths and Marriages here in Alice and the
lady there just said "Go to the graveyard."

I said, "What for?"

She said, "Well, you might find something."

MURRAY McLAUGHLIN: Only recently did official
archives yield enough information for Shirley to piece
together her history.

Not even a death certificate in her mother's name would
suppress the search and a few weeks ago, she had
enough information to set Dennis Austin on the trail of
her mother.

He runs an ATSIC-funded office in Alice Springs called
Link-Up and is appalled at the obstructions Shirley
Stirling has had to suffer.

DENNIS AUSTIN, LINK-UP: Lies, I suppose when she
was younger if we refer back to her younger days, and
just as she was growing up, different suggestions that
were given to her in regards to her birth mother, not
only just from the everyday people, but from official
people too, government people, the runaround that
she's got.

I was actually probably shocked that the information
that she gathered and what I gathered was, you know,
easy to put together and like I was saying earlier, the
connection should have been done a long time ago.

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