Seeing that Beazley issued a reply to the media, I imagine he would have gladly taken up the right of reply - if there had been one. The Howard government has made a lot of changes to the rules and regulations of the ABC - all to the benefit of the Libs, of course - and to nobble the Opposition as much as possible. None of this has been publicised as far as I know.


tim dunlop wrote:

 Couldn't agree more about the misuse of ABC time with little Johnny's - as we know - completely unbiased review of the new tax.  But I wonder if Beazley would take up the offer to reply anyway?  Given that the Libs are apparently having some success in painting Labor as negative and endlessly carping, perhaps he fears that a critical response would be too easily cast in this negative light? Susanne hit the nail on the head - the need for an alternative model.  Labor don't seem to have one and I guess will go to the next election just promising some sweetener-type adjustments to the legislation that has just gone through.  In terms of responding, it leaves them between a rock and a hard place. Still, none of this excuses the fact that Labor apparently haven't been offered equal time - I guess it must be their ABC and not for all of us. Tim
-----Original Message-----
From: webweave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [recoznet2] The Donald and John Show.
 i also saw the 'address to the nation' and noted with dismay that it was propaganda for the gst and am outraged
but i am more outraged that ozians didn't stand up in droves and say - NO GST - the primary vote said it but we obviously needed to shout it because the libs didn't hear 'us'

the last address to the nation had a response from beazley although i note that an indigenous request to reply was refused:
'under the particular protocol of Prime Ministerial addresses to the nation and the right of reply by the Leader of the Opposition, established over time and reflected in the ABC's Editorial Policies, Mr Djerrkura was refused equal time"

it would seem that this time, no replies are 'permitted' - call it what u are confortable with, but fascist comes to my mind

that we encourage a national reply
we draft a letter to canvas positions from (suggest orgs and individuals) or research what they have already said
combine the information and remind the libs and the nation, that the population said NO GST in the election

find out what can be done when the government goes against the wishes of the people

'elect' a representative then engage the media

i don't want to leave a tax of this type to our children - it has not worked in any country so far so why flog dead horses (nothing against horses)

i guess that an alternative model would be useful - so if anyone knows of one :)

susanne martain

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