reconnet: reconciliation email network

If anyone can assist with publicising Pat Dodson's visit
to Sydney (Sun 11-Sat 17 July) - please let me know

In particular ESORA would appreciate assistance publicising
the public meeting at Paddington Town Hall on Wednesday 14 July
7.45 pm

Pat Dodson will be principal speaker with entertainment from the
Three Stiff Gins.  The evening is billed under the title
"Forging a new relationship between indigenous and non-indigenous

ANTaR have now issued flyers but not in bulk.  I can fax or post
copies to anyone willing and able to make copies and distribute
these further.


Lynn Pollack
9/363 Edgecliff Road,
Edgecliff. NSW. 2027. Australia
Tel/Fax 61293282060

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