[I wouldn't worry if I were him - it isn't possible. In order to be morally
intimidated a govt has to have morals. - T]

Detainees trying to morally intimidate govt, PM
  MELBOURNE, Jan 25 AAP|Published: Friday January 25, 1:49 PM

  Hunger strikers at the Woomera Detention Centre were trying to morally
intimidate the Australian government, Prime Minister John Howard said today.

  About 200 detainees are hunger-striking and another 60 protesters have sewn
their lips together to draw attention to government delays in processing
  their visa applications.

  " ... it has to be said again that people are engaging in self harm, it is
being done to morally intimidate the Australian people and the Australian
  into changing a policy," Mr Howard told Melbourne radio 3AW. 

  "I mean that is the objective, this is moral intimidation."

  He said authorities would try to prevent the hunger strikers starving
themselves to death.

  "I don't want to make dramatic statements about what we're going to do but
self evidently we will
  do everything we possibly can to stop people effectively taking their own

  However he said scrapping the mandatory detention policy was not an option.

  "We would wish that we didn't have this problem to grapple with but in the
absence of there being
  both a humane and also policy effective alternative we will pursue and
continue to pursue the policy
  of mandatory detention."

  Mr Howard said there was evidence children had been coerced into taking part
in the protests.

[What kind of evidence? Why doesn't he say what kind of evidence he has? Or is
it the same kind of 'evidence' he had when he made allegations of children being
thrown overboard? - T]

  Five unaccompanied children were removed from the centre in outback South
Australia after they
  were considered most at risk from ongoing protest action.

  "There is evidence and this is why the child welfare people acted as they did
in South Australia, there is evidence that children have been, as it were,
coerced or involved or
  used in situations," he said.

  "Just how many I can't tell you."

  " ... children in the proper, positive care of their parents don't sew their
lips together, do they?" Mr Howard said.

[So these are unfit parents, aren't they? Not like us. - Trudy]

  "I think all Australians, as an exercise in common sense, understand that and
that is presumably what motivated the South Australian child welfare authorities
to do what they

"A terrorist is somebody who is prepared to kill innocent 
people to further a particular political objective." 
-Senator Robert Hill

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