Who are you?
I'm Massimo Carbone, CRBMSM76P06E472U. I'm a little business man.
Graduated at "La Sapienza University located in Rome, Italy, Solar System,
Via Lattea" :)

where are you from?
I born in Latina, very close to Rome

what are you interested in?
I'm a simple programmer (i prefer php or java ), developer, scrum  master,
someone told me I'm genius, but I prefer You call me masenstein (it's my
nickname on various social network)

These are all good things to cover. Also, as you work through the items on
this page, if you have questions or problems, please feel free to ask for
help by sending a note to this list.

What's the next step I need to follow in order to help Us?

p/s: I use apache common and now openoffice.

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