Welcome Massimo

Am 06.11.20 um 19:59 schrieb massimo carbone:
Who are you?
I'm Massimo Carbone, CRBMSM76P06E472U. I'm a little business man.
Graduated at "La Sapienza University located in Rome, Italy, Solar System,
Via Lattea" :)

where are you from?
I born in Latina, very close to Rome

what are you interested in?
I'm a simple programmer (i prefer php or java ), developer, scrum  master,
someone told me I'm genius, but I prefer You call me masenstein (it's my
nickname on various social network)

These are all good things to cover. Also, as you work through the items on
this page, if you have questions or problems, please feel free to ask for
help by sending a note to this list.

What's the next step I need to follow in order to help Us?

I think best is to do some action. We enable you as we can go along. Dev Channel in general is the main communication channel, and the only channel we do desicions.

We have slack and IRC channels for community talk, but except for the german ones we do not use them often. Still people are accessible in the channels. I can give pointers if you want.

Code development can be driven completely through github, so I think if you have a github account you are setup.

And we can handle everything there. Further access we can grant if needed.


# We do recommend to start with building OpenOffice and check the buildguides if they work for you. [1]

If you have improvements request an account on the wiki and go for your changes.

# Java skills: we have the Idea to switch from our own OOXML integration to Apache POI. If you are interested, look into it.

I can post the link if you are interested.

That is my list of next steps. We are not a big fan of command structures. This is free time engagement after all, and not a job.

So please bear with us and keep in touch.

p/s: I use apache common and now openoffice.

Great :-)

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