Hello recruitment team,

Good day
Hope you are doing well !

I am a recent graduate & would like to contribute my bid as well. I am
working & would like to contribute in my free time for the great

Please advise me so I can contribute better for this cause.

Thanks and Regards
Hrishabh Joshi

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020, 7:50 PM Arrigo Marchiori <ard...@yahoo.it.invalid>

> Dear Recruitment list,
> my name is Arrigo Marchiori. I have given very small contributions to
> the OpenOffice code in the past, in the form of bug reports and
> patches. At the moment, there are three open pull requests I proposed
> on GitHub.
> Lately, I have been trying to invest more of my free time into this
> project, as I see quite some room for improvement and I would like to
> help shape this great program, that I use for my daily work.
> I am already subscribed to the dev@ mailing list. Today I found the
> "Orientation" section of the web site and... here is my first step,
> introducing myself on this list.
> I am not a rockstar, neither a programming genius. My computing skills
> include C, C++ and Python, that I use at work on PC and on embedded
> systems.
> I have experience of Linux (Ubuntu, openSUSE) and FreeBSD systems. I
> can work under Microsoft Windows but it is not my platform of choice.
> My native language is Italian. I hope my English is... acceptable.
> Being blessed by a family and a daily job, I can only offer my free
> time to this project, and even not 100% of it. But if you will be
> willing to accept my contribution, I will be honored to help.
> Regards,
> --
> Arrigo Marchiori (rigo)
> http://rigo.altervista.org

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