I'm getting  a port conflict trying to run both the edge and origin  
from the same checkout, so do i have to make a copy and change the  
rtmpt port for the origin like i had to do before ?

On 08/09/2007, at 8:05 PM, Daniel Rossi wrote:

> On 08/09/2007, at 7:44 PM, Steven Gong wrote:
>> To run the servers, the only difference from the version without
>> Terracotta is that you need to start the Edge on Terracotta with
>> the configuration file tc-config-edge.xml in the root dir of the
>> clustering branch.
>> Feel free to report issues during your experiment. Thanks!
> This doesnt make sense, is these rc scripts correct ?
> #edge
> exec $JAVA -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=conf/
> red5.policy -cp red5.jar:conf:$CLASSPATH org.red5.server.Standalone
> conf/red5-edge.xml
> #origin
> exec $JAVA -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=conf/
> red5.policy -cp red5.jar:conf:$CLASSPATH org.red5.server.Standalone
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