Sir Alex Ferguson is set to appear before a Football Association
disciplinary hearing on Monday to answer misconduct charges.

The Manchester United boss was charged after his verbal outburst against
match officials at Newcastle in August.

He is facing a touchline ban or a heavy fine after being sent to the stand
by referee Uriah Rennie following heated words with fourth official Jeff

Ferguson elected to have a personal hearing to answer the charges.

The incident happened during United's 3-0 win at St Jame's Park on 23

Ferguson reacted angrily to Rennie's decision not to punish Andy O'Brien for
bringing down Ryan Giggs on the edge of the Newcastle area.

The manager kicked a ball away in disgust and remonstrated with fourth
official Winter on the sidelines before being dismissed by Rennie.

Winter was then subjected to a sustained four-letter tirade from the Scot.

Ferguson faces two separate counts, one relating generally to alleged
"improper conduct" and the other specifically to claims that he used abusive
language to the match officials.

The weight of television evidence suggests Ferguson will be hard pressed to
plead his innocence, and an FA commission would take a dim view if it is
proved Ferguson labelled any of the officials as "cheats".

But he can point to a previously unblemished record during his 17-year reign
as United boss, which is expected to count in his favour.

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