Alan Cox wrote:
> > So, in closing, no, I haven't gotten an answer and am entering this into
> > bugzilla as I type.  I'd like to see this resolved as it's quite annoying
> > to think that if the hurricane knocks power out for >8 hours, my IP will
> > likely change :(
> In theory it shouldnt matter. DHCP servers are supposed to use free addresses
> for new MAC addresses and only reuse existing ones when the pool is exhausted.
> That is they are intended to minimise address reuse.

However, some users use *long* leases -- months, or years -- as an
automatic way of maintaining what is in effect static addresses.  This
is in fact a very sensible approach, but it really requires that these
long leases work, because it is a problem if the IP address changes at
all, not just when the old IP gets reused.


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