is anyone else experiencing odd behavior in terms of when items are being
delivered? For example if a thread looks like this

1   foo
2   \--re: foo
3      \--bar [was re: foo]
4         \--re: bar [was re: foo]
5         \--re: bar [was re: foo]

Then it USED to be the case that they arrived in my mail box in that order.
For the last two weeks or so the order has been more like:

msg 2 arrives
msg 1 arrives 45 min latter than it "should have"
msg 5 arrives 
msg 3 arrives 20 min latter than it "should have"
msg 4 arrives 60 min latter than it "should have"

although some time the delays are far more than minutes... one of Alan's posts
took over two days to arrive in my box... in the mean time the conversation
that his post sparked had gone to completion and I missed much of what was
being discussed. I've asked my ISP, but they swear there are no problems with
the mail servers....

Has anyone been getting those "you message couldn't be delivered for 30
minutes, will continue to try for 3 days" style messages bounced back
from me?

please respond directly to me instead of the list. -=Chris

  cabbey at home dot net <*>
           I want a binary interface to the brain!
Today's opto-mechanical digital interfaces are just too slow!

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