> Pump does a magnificent job for people who have to set their
> networking interfaces throughg DHCP.  And it works on Token Rings
> despite what the doc says about not sure it works on it.
> Now Samba does not work if I don't add the interfaces=myipnumber/mask
> parm in the smb.conf and that also means that it has problems if the
> DHCP server assigns me a new adddres
> So for next version it would be real nice if pump was able to handle
> Samba files (possibly through include files) or at the very least
> allowed retrieval of the info about interfaces and WINS servers in
> order for an external program being able to edit the smb.conf.

This is a message for all those people who replied that setting
interfaces was not necessary.  In fact it is neccessary when you use a
Wins server: it seems Samba needs to send its IP address in order to
register with the wins server and that for some reason it will not send
the correct address if you don't set the interfaces parameter in the
smb.conf so Wins will not register it.

So a wish for next version is that Pump writes the parms it gets (both
the Wins server address and the interfaces set) so a trivial scvript
can set the parms in the smb.conf

                        Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses

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