> Hi All
> I am newbie to linux (also I don't know much of
> system's related stuff about unix in general). I had
> installed redhat 6.0 sometime back but recently it had
> started to give me some problems. Like when I try to
> logout by clicking "logout" it doesn't let me.
> "Someone" told me that linux stores some
> configurations files to restore your system back to
> its state of last login when you re-login and
> sometimes this restoration takes a long time. I don't
> know how much of that is true (or even if I said it
> correct) but I started to delete some .conf files in
> the /etc directory (by switching as root) it worked

Oh muck.

> fine. But this time when I was trying to do the same
> (delete some .conf files) I actually deleted all
> *.conf files in the /etc directory and now I am not
> able to login to my system as root or any other user.
> Seems like I deleted the password file or something??
> Can someone suggest me what has happened and how grave
> a situation am I in. Any solutions to the problems
> will be really-really appreciated.

I wouldn't ordinarily recommend reinstallation, but it's probably quickest 
for you);-((

The difficulty is thinking of some rectification you'll understand.

If you have an RHL 6.1 CD to hand, it's likely that updating will fix the 

Almost no user's problems are fixed by deleting or even changing files in 

If you want to try to repair it, the solution's with the rpm command.

I'f you need to boot, at the lilo prompt enter something like
        lilo vga=ask
When it asks you, choose a number that gives a decent amount of text on 
your screen; you'll probably need it;-). I use 6 which gives me 80x60.

Login as root.
Try this command:
rpm --verify `rpm -qa` | less

The command "rpm --verify" checks that the specified package is installed 
The "`rpm -qa`" bit uses rpm to get a list of installed packages and 
inserts the list into the commandline. The quote marks are called 
backticks and are the unshifted key to the left of my "1" key.

"| less" takes the output of the "rpm --verify" command and displays it in 
a controlled manner on your screen. You can page up and down and search.

The man page of rpm suggests there could be quite a bit of output to read. 
You should get a few rpms that have missing files.

You can reinstall them thus:

rpm --upgrade ...
and supply the full pathname of the rpm you need.

fwiw Here are the *.conf files I have.
[summer@possum summer]$ 

Not all are critical for my system's
operation. Some that are might not be fixed by the action I've outlined;
This comes to mind:

Mine looks like this:
[summer@possum summer]$ cat    /etc/resolv.conf
search  os2.ami.com.au
[summer@possum summer]$ 

but yours must have different values. I expect tha some fiddling with
linuxconf will fix that problem

Have fun.

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