Hi All

I am newbie to linux (also I don't know much of
system's related stuff about unix in general). I had
installed redhat 6.0 sometime back but recently it had
started to give me some problems. Like when I try to
logout by clicking "logout" it doesn't let me.
"Someone" told me that linux stores some
configurations files to restore your system back to
its state of last login when you re-login and
sometimes this restoration takes a long time. I don't
know how much of that is true (or even if I said it
correct) but I started to delete some .conf files in
the /etc directory (by switching as root) it worked
fine. But this time when I was trying to do the same
(delete some .conf files) I actually deleted all
*.conf files in the /etc directory and now I am not
able to login to my system as root or any other user.
Seems like I deleted the password file or something??

Can someone suggest me what has happened and how grave
a situation am I in. Any solutions to the problems
will be really-really appreciated.



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