Gene Harris wrote:
> Can anyone shed a little light on using /etc versus using
> /usr/local/etc?

I recommend using /usr/local for machine specific stuff, and put it on
a separate partition.  This makes upgrading the distribution easier.
When it comes to to upgrade, you can also save any custom configuration
stuff under /usr/local, and put it back after the upgrade.

/usr/local also comes in handy when you remotely share a generic /usr
(usually read-only).  Local customizations again go into /usr/local

Also, put it into your path in /etc/profile to make life easier.
I use the following:
  PATH=$HOME/`uname -m`/bin:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
The odd looking first directory is so that users can mount their
home directories on machines of differing architectures.  Adding the
bin directories to /etc/skeleton will cause them to be added to the
home directory for all newly created users.

Andrew E. Mileski - Software Engineer

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