> > > Correct me if I amm wrong but isn't PCI modem another name for the
> > > dreaded and unsupported Winmodems?
> >
> > No.
> so are pci modemes supported at all in the linux kernel? or just the pnp pci
> modems are a pain?

It is not realted to pnp but to a horror called Winmodem created by US
Robotics but other companies followed its example.  It allowed to have
modems to be 10$ cheaper by having the computer CPU do the job of the
modem chipset.  Of course a computer CPU is a complete disaster at
doing this so you needed a relatively powerful CPU (at least a Pentium
90) to do the job of an el cheapo modem chipset.  The task requires
the continuous supervision of the CPU otherwise you could lose packets
and that means that using a Winmodem on a multitasking system is
completely silly.  This plus the fact that USR released its specs
under an NDA motivated that nobody tried to write a Linux driver for

I never had a PCI modem be it Winmodem or not so I don't know if some
PCI modems are supported.

                        Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses

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