At 09:04 AM 5/9/2000 +0800, you wrote:
>Patches aside, there should be no difference at all. I regularly build 
>kernels from and build them for my RHL system.
>I suggest you recheck your work and that your driver compiles on the same 
>version of the kernel for Slackware that you're using for RHL: if you're 
>using 2.2.14 on Slackware, use 2.2.14 on RHL.
>RHS has patches for things broken or for not-yet-released features (or 
>released from other sources), but none of these should affect your driver.
>John Summerfield
> for OS/2 support.
>Configuration, networking, combined IBM ftpsites index.

Hi John,

My Slackware machine is running 2.2.14 (gcc version #1
My Redhat machine is running 2.2.14-5.0 (gcc version egcs-2.91.66).
The Slackware machine compiles the device driver without a hitch.
I'm modifying it a lot these days, so I compile it hourly.
I only wish I could compile it on my Redhat machine.

Bob Peterson

Bob Peterson
Advanced Communication Design
(612) 854-4000

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