Matthew Campbell wrote:

> As far as I know, the Red Hat installer currently installs a kernel
> from the CD-ROM or other installation medium and doesn't give the user
> an easy way to install a custom kernel image from their boot disk or
> hard disk.  I think this would be a useful option to have, at least in
> the custom installation class.

If you build your own kernel and you have made an RPM there
are a couple things you can do, though not with a stock RedHat CD.

Provided you have a kernel RPM, you can replace kernel RPM in
the RedHat/RPMS directory and run genhdlist. If you name it
something other than kernel i.e. kernel-speakout, then you have
to change the RedHat/base/comps file in the _Base_  group so
the installer finds your kernel-speakout. To do this you have to copy the

stock CD to your hardrive and make the changes.

Or you can just place a whole bunch of different kernels you build
into the RedHat /RPMS directory, take the kernel package out
of the _Base_ group, place your kernels in a group in the
file and then you can pick one during the install. Then you have to be
careful and be sure you pick a kernel. If you do a kickstart install
use the %postinstall to check for kernel and install a default if one
wasn't selected. I don't recommend this.

Or you can install your custom kernel during the %postinstall
of a kickstart install, just make sure your kernel matches the
redhat layout and do an rpm -Uvh kernel.rpm.

It would be a pain in the ass for RedHat to test a whole whack
of kernels and provide them during the install. I'm sure they
are of the mind "You take the kernel we have provided, and
thoroughly tested, or you can figure it out yourself". There would
be requests for tens, maybe hundreds of different kernel configs
and it would become seriously hard, if not impossible to test.

I've made my own kernel RPMs with the LIDS  patch
(Linux Intrusion Detection System)
and use that as my default kernel with my installs. If you want
something simliar you have to roll your own. It's probably hard
enough for RedHat dealing with one kernel config so I wouldn't
count on them including that feature. It's certainly not technically
impossible, but a maintenance/testing nightmare. You could easily add
this feature yourself making your RPMs, running genhdlist and editing
one text file (RedHat/base/comps).

Jason van Zyl

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