> Hi all, I am trying to purchase a server from DELL Computers. I need about
> 500gb Raid capacity. Dell thinks I should not purchase this server. I need
> large drives and I cannot get enough of them in a 6 bay drive enclosure.
> So I was trying to buy there add on drive enclosure.following is the
> internal correspondences.  Seems there may be a SCSI problem using an
> external card cage with there controller.  Is there anyone who could
> enlighten me on this, as I really need the server... I do not know the date
> of this correspondence so Im hoping this has been fixed. thanks in advance
> all....

If DELL told me not to purchase their server, I think that's advice I 
would accept.

IBM has a storage farm to to a TB or so that is attachable to their 
netfinity servers. I'd ask about those (and also ask SGI and maybe one or 
two others).

Perhaps James Manning would comment?

John Summerfield
http://os2.ami.com.au/os2/ for OS/2 support.
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