On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Greg Wright wrote:

> On 6/06/00 at 18:19 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I don't know if anyone has ever tried Webmin but I can say it is much
> >more user friendly and less intrusive than Linuxconf. I think Redhat
> >should seriously look at replacing Linuxconf with Webmin. I guess the
> >most serious limitation to Webmin is that it runs over a browser, which
> >can be a problem in text mode. But I think with a bit of tweaking of
> >the generated pages, maybe it could run on Lynx?
> >
> Hi
> Webmin is good, much better at this point than Linuxconf (in as far as
> problems administrating) , but I cannot see RH taking a rivals system and
> using it, its not clear to me what the lic will be also once Caldera starts
> steering the boat (if they ever do take over the coding).

I second the motion for Webmin. I have started removing linuxconf from all
my RH systems or at least disabling them. It is a real pain when your
system will not reboot just because somebody ran linuxconf. Road trips to
the computer room at odd hours make you really gun-shy.

Alvin Starr                   ||   voice: (416)585-9971
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