I have RH6.2. It was easy without an RPM, just following the
instructions on Apache's site.

On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Murugan Krishnan wrote:

>  Hi:
> I got
> Linux Mandrake release 7.0 (Air)
> Kernel 2.2.14-15mdk on an i686
> I need to install TOMCAT in this. ( java server ?) Is there any rpm for
> this...
> any help is deeply appriciated.
> Thanks
> Murugan

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  _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/      Martin John Bartlett
 _/  _/  _/     _/      Senior Technical Consultant
_/      _/_/_/_/                CSC Financial Services Group
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  • TOMCAT Murugan Krishnan
    • Martin Bartlett

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