XFree86-3.3.6-20 took 70 minutes on a 300MHz PII with 192 Meg RAM and SCSI
disks at 40MHz. XFree86-4.0.1-0.36 took 144 minutes on the same computer.

John Summerfield writes:
 > > About how long do you think it would take to build XFree86 3.3.6 on a
 > > PIII 500 with 256 megs of ram? I'm talking about the src.rpm's?
 > > 
 > > I'm just trying to get a good rough estimate of the time it will take so
 > > I can plan my work accordingly.
 > > 
 > I don't ee ANY replay yet, so...
 > As I recall, it took 3-4 hours to build on a pentium 133 w 64 mbytes, UMDA/33 EIDE.
 > I don't think there's any benefit to extra RAM, but of course that PIII helps I'd 
 >expect it to be done under an hour.
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