At 07:35 8/21/00 -0400, Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:
> > On Sun Aug 20 2000 at 21:03, Chris Abbey wrote:
> > > At 10:35 8/19/00 -0700, Joseph Malicki wrote:
> > > >glibc is documented in info, not manpages. the manpages there are just
> > > >an incomplete and in some cases inaccurate collection, werent they from
> > > >libc5 or something?  The wonders of GNU software.......
> > >
> > > then can we please get rid of the stupid man pages?
>If you find any description of a function in a man-page not being
>up-to-date, please update it and send a mail to the man-pages

that's the problem, some of them are *intentionally* deprecated in
favor of info pages. I did as you suggested a while ago when I found
a command that wasn't documented correctly, the response I got was
"We don't care about man pages, they're dead, use info." My response
was "wtf is info??". I was ignored.

So, like I said, can we *please* remove the out of date man pages,
libc is one of the first on the block.

in a completely different message:
At 13:33 8/21/00 -0400, Alan Shutko wrote:
>The usual complaints are:
>* It's got a crappy interface:  The standalone program definately
>   does, and alternative viewers are not always apparent to the people
>   complaining about info.  Maybe they wouldn't complain with a better
>   interface.

case in point: I use emacs as my preferred editor, I just learned
from this thread that emacs can view info pages... as if it couldn't
do enough already ;) but no one bothered to mention HOW to do this.
Generally I've not had enough experience with the command line tool
to complain much, aside from the fact that it just *smells* like vi.

>* It's too hard to find stuff in it.  Usually, those complaining are
>   looking for command-line flags, which are fairly buried in most info
>   documents.  Those complaining are also usually unaware of info
>   features such as the easy-to-access index and the ability to search
>   the whole document by regexp.

There's the nutshell, the information you use the most often needs
to be readily available, most of the info pages I've read in the
last few days have been heavily laden with theory, and concept,
not a command line refresher... especially for those badly borked
commands without --help. Perhaps info pages need an "executive
summary" of all commands and methods.

>IBM: Insolent Bickering Mal-der-mer

yeah, and *that's* just the executives, wait till we let you
meet the marketoids.... ;>

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