Nope, it's left-over stuff in linux/include/linux/modules.
Do this:
cd linux/include/linux
mv modules modules.old
mkdir modules

Then, do your make xconfig && make dep && make clean && make ....

That should clear up your missing dependencies.


-----Original Message-----
From: Liguo Song [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: Unresolved symbols on kernel rebuild

I am a newbie too. But, since no one asnwered this question, I would give
it a try. Hope this can induce some more helpful replies. :)

This happened to me couple times. It is usually because you didn't load
some necessary modules or didn't configure your kernel to support those

Do the config again. Pay more attention to those options concern about the
modules with problems.

Good luck!

Liguo (Leo)

Salvador Ramirez wrote:

> Hi,
>  I tried to compile the kernel on a Intel PII using Red Hat 6.2. I did a
> make xconfig
> make dep
> make zImage
> make modules
> make modules_install
> cp zImage /boot
> (respective modification to /etc/lilo.conf)
> /sbin/lilo
> <reboot>
> but when the system try to load some modules (like the sound and the
> network modules) I got a message error like this:
> <path of module1>.o: Unresolved symbol best_memcpy
> <path of module2>.o: Unrevolved symbol best_memset
> <path of module2>.o: Unrevolved symbol __best_copy_from_user
> <path of module2>.o: Unrevolved symbol __best_copy_to_user
> could someone tell me what I am missing or misdoing?
> Thanks in advance,
> ---sram
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