On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, John Summerfield wrote:

>> >int main(void)
>> >{
>> >    printf("%ld CPUs online\n", sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN));

>[root@dugite /root]# man getconf
>No manual entry for getconf
>[root@dugite /root]# getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
>[root@dugite /root]# which getconf
>[root@dugite /root]# rpm -qif /usr/bin/getconf
>Name        : glibc                        Relocations: (not relocateable)
>Version     : 2.1.3                             Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
>Release     : 15                            Build Date: Wed 01 Mar 2000 06:00:05 AM 
>How is one supposed to find that? Of having found it, use it?
>[root@dugite /root]# getconf --help
>getconf: Unrecognized variable `--help'
>[root@dugite /root]#

All true, and getconf should at least have a symlink to the
proper documentation.  Try:

man sysconf

Which gives all you should need..

Mike A. Harris  |  Computer Consultant  |  Capslock Consulting
Linux Advocate  |  Open Source Advocate |  Red Hat Linux Fanatic
#[Mike A. Harris bash tip #2 - custom colorized bash prompts]
# Put the following at the bottom of your ~/.bash_profile
TTYNAME=$(tty | sed -e 's/^\/dev\///' -e 's/^tty//');DRED=31;DGREEN=32
CLRUSER=$CYAN ; CLRHOST=$YELLOW   # Set the user and host colors here
PS1="$TTYNAME \[\033[${CLRUSER}m\]\u\[\033[0;m\]"
export PS1="${PS1}@\[\033[${CLRHOST}m\]\h\\[\033[0;m\]:\w\$ "

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