Anybody got the Rawhide kerenl to work with RAID ?
I have a 2 disk IDE RAID with the md drivers.
The 2.2 kernel with the Red Hat patches allow booting
with / and /boot as RAID sets.

/boot (/dev/md0 ) is RAID1 and / (/dev/md2) is RAID0.

With the current rawhide kernel, I get an error
when trying to mount /. The RAID autodetect seams
to be missing. The IDE modules are loading and I
the disks/partitions are found.

Is there a patch needed for / as a RAID0 set
or is a config option missing? I'm using the i686
config (no SMP, not enterprise).

When might we see a 2.4.0 (final) based kernel
in rawhide?


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