On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, John Summerfield wrote:
> Instead of speculating how good Kylix is, sit down and use it for a week. Then
> you will have a sound basis for commenting.

I haven't used Kylix, but having used C++ Builder and JBuilder for years
year, I don't doubt that it is an outstanding product. I am a big fan of
IDEs, especially when they produce such strong productivity gains as I
found with C++ BUilder and JBuilder.

The fact remains, though, that the Linux marketplace is very different
from that of Windows (or Java for that matter), and the competition is
particularly fierce. A bad pricing model will need to be balanced by
outstanding productivity gains, and there is still no guarantee of
success. When most Linux developers prefer Perl or Python to C++, Java, or
Delphi/Pascal, and Perl/Python IDEs are selling for 1/10th the cost of
Kylix, counting on Delphi developers to switch from Windows to Linux won't
be enough to save the product.

Again, I hope the best for Kylix, and I will probably buy a copy, but we
need to be sending warning signals to Borland, lest they blame the Linux
community for poor sales, as we have seen happen with Adobe, Corel, and
other vendors. Linux is a challenging market to penetrate, especially for
commercial software vendors, but some have done it successfully, and their
successes can be emulated by others.


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