> Afterall, my first time that I tried to report a bug to MS, the
> documentation required me to pay as i report ( either through a 1-900
> number, or through credit card ) - otherwise they are not interested.
> Maybe things have changed, but what do u do about being burned - that
> tends to stay with u for a long time. 

Reporting OS?2 bugs to IBM wasn't easy either. However, some IBMers hung out 
on usenet and helped out, Tony Rall the most notable (TCP/IP expert).

Occasionally there was a special effort from device driver writers, for 
example when they were producing device drivers for removable media for OS/2 
Warp 3 and OS/2 Warp 4.

And there are newsgroups on news.software.ibm.com for some products (I think 
Borland has some too), and a mailing list for Viavoice.

Come to think of it, IBM's support for free (no-charge) software's better than 
it ever was for OS/2!!

John Summerfield
http://www2.ami.com.au/ for OS/2 & linux information.
Configuration, networking, combined IBM ftpsites index.

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

Note: mail delivered to me is deemed to be intended for me, for my disposition.

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