Karen Shaeffer wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 09:30:54AM -0600, Thomas Dodd wrote:
 Non-GPL drivers for the linux kerenl are allowed
> > explicitly by Linus.
> This is true. But it is not what the questioner was intending to do. The
> questioner specifically stated the intent was to port a Linux device driver
> to QNX.
> There is an interesting consequence to Mr. Beckers interpretation. Any
> driver, under any license, that links in with the Linux kernel becomes a
> part of the _work_ which is the Linux kernel--and therefore is automagically
> covered by the GPL. Linus has made the exception for NON-GPL drivers, but
> that exception does not permit one to port and distribute Linux driver code
> to NON-GPL OSs. Of course, if you don't distribute the code--you can do
> whatever you want with it. (You surely concur. I just think it's important
> to make this distinction explicit in conversations concerning these type
> issues.)

That was my intention.

 The existance of non-GPL drivers for the
GPLed linux kernel is used to imply the reverse is true.
I was noting that infact Linus made a special allowance
for non-GPL, even binary only, drivers for linux.

Unless the owner of a GPLed driver make some allowance
explicitly for use on non-GPL kerenls/OSes then you cannot
mix them. You can port the driver, but you cannot
distribute the port or a patch with out permission of
the driver's creator.


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