On Thursday 01 March 2001 04:36, Dan B wrote:
> Wouldn't it be swell if RedHat released an updated ISO image that included
> the new 2.2.17 kernel?  Much like they did with the respin ISO because of
> updated up2date packages?
> I for one would bow down and kiss the feet of anyone who could make such an
> ISO available.  (Because it would support my Mylex RAID controller during
> install).

Look at http://www.udoj.org/redhat
I have a updated ISO image of RedHat 6.2


   Udo Jocher
     Laboratorio di Fisica Computazionale - Sistemi Complessi
     Universita' degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
     Dipartimento Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione
     Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8
     Edificio U7, piano 4  

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