> On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Terry Barnaby wrote:
> > After updating to RedHat 7.0 with all the latest updates to (14/3/01)
> > from 6.1 we
> > have found a nasty problem.
> > We have a package (developed by us) that was built on RedHat 5.1 we
> > believe.
> > When we try and run the binaries of this package we get the error:
> > 
> > bash: ./axp: No such file or directory
> > 
> > If we try ldd on the binary we also get:
> > 
> > /usr/bin/ldd: ./axp: No such file or directory
> > 
> > If we run file with the name of the binary we get:
> > 
> > axp: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, dynamically
> > linked (uses shared libs), stripped
> > 
> > So there appears to be an incompatibility with previous binary
> > executable formats somewhere. Is this a ld.so problem or a kernel
> > problem ? We have customers with this package, if they upgrade to
> > RedHat 7.0 their systems will break.
> Actually, you are dealing with a loader/libc issue.  RedHat stopped
> including the libc-5 compatibility package(s) after 6.2.  Install the
> appropriate RPMs from a 6.1 or 6.2 distribution and you'll be back in
> business.

Well, he said "upgrade." Upgrade doesn't remove the old libc (I think!).

He also said "Red Hat Linux 5.1." RHL 5.x use glibc 2.0.

John Summerfield
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