On 25-Mar-01 Michael Tokarev wrote:

> Why RedHat choosed to use (and require) xfree86-xfs package?
> Xfs isn't needed to local x server at all (all the functionality
> is built into it directly).  Xfs may be useful as a central font
> repository for many machines, so that one can install fonts only
> on xfs machine, but in this case, again, xserver doesn't need xfs
> on LOCAL machine, only on remote one.  So: why use xfs on every
> local machine and REQUIRE it by xserver??  This sounds like a
> (conceptual) bug...

I can only say why I prefer xfs:

So that the X server does not block when an application requests font metrics.

This effect can be mind bogglingly annoying when you hit some application built
on a stupid toolkit that, as part of the startup procedure, requests the
metrics of Every Single Font on the system so it can do its own font mapping
stuff.  (fortunately, the toolkit I refer to is essentially dead... and there
never was an official Linux release anyway)

Doug Kilpatrick

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