Hamilton de Freitas Coutinho writes:
 > > When installing a newer version of glibc the installation failed due
 > > to space problems. After that I accidentily rebooted, and of course no
 > > succesful boot up after that :(
 > >
 > > Trying to restore the situation was very troublesome, since my CD
 > > with possibility to boot with 'linux rescue' was with rpm v3, and my
 > > current installation is running rawhide with rpm v4.
 > To reinstall glibc:
 > 1. Boot your Red Hat CD with 'linux rescue';
 > 2. Mount all needed partitions (/, /etc, /lib, /usr, /var - most of time
 > just /);
 > 3. chroot to root:
 >     # chroot <root-mount-point>
 > 4. reinstall glibc:
 >     # rpm -Uvh --force <path-to>/glibc-<whatever>.rpm
 > I never tested but should work since rpm is statically linked ;)

I tried theese steps already and thought this was a viable solution,
but it got stuck on chroot. On the rescue CD bash was at
/usr/bin/bash while the HD installed bash is at /bin/bash. Exporting
the SHELL environment variable was unsuccessful.

Also the access to the rpm database was non-functional, eg rpm -q rpm,
so all parts of the rpm install are definitely not statically linked.

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