Like many medium to large installations, we have some process in 
        place to "roll" (i.e. install and configure) machines in an 
        automatic or semi-automatic process. Currently we use a combination
        of kickstart and "clustering" scripts to do this. The biggest 
        problem we face going forward is organizing and maintaining 
        this kickstart system across multiple versions. For security 
        and auditing purposes, we would like to have some mechanism in
        place that only installs minimal packages on each machine, with 
        different packages--based on cluster or "profile"--placed on
        specific machines. 

    To this end we are trying to build a "Differential" kickstart process 
        that uses the name of a machine (handed off via DHCP or DNS) to 
        determine what software to install. 

    I have this working as a very, very ugly "post install" script, but 
    I think I have found a way to do this a lot cleaner by making 
    certain modifications to the Anaconda python scripts, and 
    a modification to genhdlist. 

    In addition, I have a few questions (and a complaint) about Anaconda. 

    What I have in mind is to modify genhdlist to take an (optional) argument
    of a file name containing the list of RPMS to get the headers from,
    rather than building the list from the Redhat/RPMS directory, and 
    writing the headers to a file called <profile_name>.hdl, rather than 

        Then modify the Anaconda code slightly to read a profile configuration
        file (if it exists, otherwise continue as normal) that maps machine
        name to profile name, which will be a "comps" file (basically containing
        only base) and an hdlist file containing the headers. 

    I've already had a fellow sysadmin who knows C really well look over 
    genhdlist, and other than some nasty comments about the lack of
    comments in the code, and general coding style, he seems to
    think this will be a trivial add. 

    I've been thinking about this for a while, and looking at the Anaconda
    source code a bit, mostly with the RH7 and now I'm looking at 
    the stuff in wolverine where there is now "hdlist2". 

    However, in what is unfortunately seems to be typical Open Source 
    fashion, there is almost no documentation on what genhdlist does,
    the format of hdlist, or almost any of the internals of 

        Which means that now that I know what hdlist actually contains, it
        has been split into hdlist and hdlist2, and I have no documentation
        on what goes in each. 

        On the anaconda side it seems slightly more complicated, but still
        fairly easy to modify it to point to different "comps" files and 
        "hdlist" files. 

    I can find 3 files that seem to directly read the hdlist file, and
        the comps file, and they are the same set of files, so what I am 
        considering doing is adding a method to that returns 
        a path to which configuration (comps file and hdlist) to use. 

        I have a couple questions tho'. What exactly *is* hdlist2 and what
        is the relationship between hdlist and hdlist2. 

        Second, is there a possiblity of getting the programmers involved 
        in the production of the anaconda/kickstart system to document 
        what they are doing? Inline comments, beyond the stage of 
        "mmmm... linear search" (which besides being an incorrect use 
        of elipisis is utterly useless) would be fairly helpful in 
        understanding what is going on there. 

        Finally, some unrelated questions:

        When will reiserfs be supported in the kickstart process, and when 
        will LVM be supported? We need both of these for an upcoming rollout,
        and I would rather *NOT* have to deal with System Imager for this, 
        as if we start using it, it will wind up replacing kickstart as 
        our means of rolling new boxes, and cause me lots of grief. 

        As a trivial question (while I'm asking) is there an easy way to 
        get rid of the redhat logo screen on startup? All of our machines 
        run headless with console redirected to serial, and it is kindof 
        annoying to have the garbage that this splash screen throws up 
        scroll across the screen. 


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