On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Chris Petro wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 09:18:57AM +0300, Pekka Savola wrote:
> > On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Chris Petro wrote:
> > >   Like many medium to large installations, we have some process in
> > >   place to "roll" (i.e. install and configure) machines in an
> > >   automatic or semi-automatic process. Currently we use a combination
> > >   of kickstart and "clustering" scripts to do this. The biggest
> > >   problem we face going forward is organizing and maintaining
> > >   this kickstart system across multiple versions. For security
> > >   and auditing purposes, we would like to have some mechanism in
> > >   place that only installs minimal packages on each machine, with
> > >   different packages--based on cluster or "profile"--placed on
> > >   specific machines.
> > You could accomplish the "profiles" by creating a group in comps file,
> > like:
> > 1 Custom Package 1 {
> >  xxx
> >  yyy
> >  zzz
> > }
> > And then in ks.cfg, add:
> > %packages
> > @ Custom Package 1
>       No, you can't.

Yes, you can.

>       How do I install one version of package <x> on one cluster, and version
>       <y> on another?

You have different distribution roots on different NFS server exports.
There may be less space consuming ways.  Maybe symlinks in the exported
directories that point to the pertinent RPM in another directory.  Just off
the top of my head.

>       How do I, with *ONE* floppy, install 20 different profiles?
> > IMO your needs would have to be very great before you start hacking into
> > the anaconda installer.
>       I have 200+ machines, in at least 20 different cluster configurations
>       ranging from *cannot* have glibc2.2 to must have, ranging from kernel
>       2.2.14 to 2.4.3ac<x>.
>       And 4 Admins to handle it.
>       Is that great enough?
> > >   When will reiserfs be supported in the kickstart process, and when
> > >   will LVM be supported? We need both of these for an upcoming rollout,
> > >   and I would rather *NOT* have to deal with System Imager for this,
> > >   as if we start using it, it will wind up replacing kickstart as
> > >   our means of rolling new boxes, and cause me lots of grief.
> >
> > These are rather new, and like with automatic software raid installations,
> > take time to get done in the installer.  If it isn't in the latter beta of
> > the next release, I wouldn't have too high hopes for that.
>       Then we're probably going to wind up ditching Redhat for something
>       that can support them.

If I'm not mistaken, LVM is in the 2.4 kernel which will be in the next
release.  If you are not that patient, try the beta with updates from
rawhide.  Last I heard reiserfs was not going to be in the RH distro until
it stabalized to Red Hat's satisfaction.  I did, howeverer, find reiserfs.o
in the kernel I installed from RH's latest beta.  Others have had good
results with XFS.  In any case, why not just make a kernel RPM with whatever
you want included and set up your own RH-based in-house distribution?


> > >   As a trivial question (while I'm asking) is there an easy way to
> > >   get rid of the redhat logo screen on startup? All of our machines
> > >   run headless with console redirected to serial, and it is kindof
> > >   annoying to have the garbage that this splash screen throws up
> > >   scroll across the screen.
> >
> > You mean straight at the bootup?  Comment out message= in /etc/lilo.conf
> > and run lilo.
> >
> > (the graphical lilo screen makes secondary serial console not work, btw;
> > you can't choose images or give parameters.  There is a bugzilla report by
> > me on this)
> >
> > --
> > Pekka Savola                  "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
> > Netcore Oy                    not those you stumble over and fall"
> > Systems. Networks. Security.   -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords
> >
> >

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